Sometimes the CEO's right hand

is the most badass leader of all.

The 2IC / Chief of Staff Peer Group

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Who is it for?

While the CEO is out talking to investors you're the one holding down the fort, when things go bad at a meeting you're the one they confide in, when the founder is stressed and overwhelmed you're the one they come to, your leadership isn't flashy or bombastic, it's steady and consistent, you become the ground the team and the founder relies on, but who do you rely on?

Who do you have to hold you up and remind you just how powerful you are?


The 2IC peer group was created to support the powerful and unsung leaders that support so many powerful startup organizations. It's designed to give 2ICs and Chiefs of Staff a community of like-minded champions to inspire, commiserate, and mastermind on the very unique and challenging world of working with mercurial startup founders in a fast-paced environment.





Start date TBA



Waived for the

Alpha round

Stop going it alone

Get the community support you need and crave.

Find out more

Hang out with other behind the scenes heros.

Learn from other powerful leaders working on the ground inside a fast-changing start-up environment.

Get powerful coaching from a trusted and highly sought-after executive start-up coach.

Discover how to chart your own course and create your own leadership inside your company and in your life beyond

My Belief

Much of the stress, responsibility, and leadership at a startup happens one to two levels below the CEO and yet 2ICs and Chiefs of Staff are often overlooked when it comes to support, peer groups, and community creation. And yet this often where the most support is truly needed.

We believe that if an organization and culture is going to be truly exceptional

a passionate founder, dynamic CEO, or chief pitchster/fundraiser isn't enough. The best organizations have amazing leaders at every level and we're here to make sure the unsung heroes and hidden center of gravity at startups aren't overlooked.

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